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Retail base rate

Retail Base Rate (RBR) values
Currency Rate
AMD 9%
USD 3.2%
EUR 6.9%
GBP 8.2%
Retail Base Rate (RBR) values
Currency AMD
Rate 9%
Currency USD
Rate 3.2%
Currency EUR
Rate 6.9%
Currency GBP
Rate 8.2%

AMD retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024
Effective from: 12.03.2020.

USD retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024
Effective from: 22.04.2024.

EUR retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024
Effective from: 22.04.2024.

GBP retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024
Effective from: 22.04.2024.

RBR general information

RBR regulations

Retail Base Rate RBR (hereinafter RBR) calculations and future modifications are based on primary and secondary reference rates* defined by the Bank.

First of all, RBR is defined based on the primary reference rate, and is equal to the primary reference rate as of the setup date. 

The secondary reference rate is used only when the primary reference rate is not available and it becomes impossible to define the RBR for the next period. 

RBR review periodicity

RBR is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25. If the above mentioned dates are non-working days, then the proceeding business day is considered as review day.

Rule of RBR value change when the reference rate is unchanged

RBR is subject to change in case the difference between the effective RBR and calculated reference rate on the review date is equal to or greater than 0.5 percentage point. In this case RBR is matched to the new reference rate. Otherwise, the RBR remains unchanged. 

RBR definition rules when the reference rate changes

If the primary reference rate is not available on the review date or it becomes impossible to define the RBR for the upcoming period, the RBR is calculated based on the secondary reference rate. In this case RBR is defined through the secondary indicators of the current and previous periods, adjusted by the difference between the secondary and primary reference rates as of the previous review (adjustment index). The set adjustment index is applied to all future revisions until the primary reference rate is restored or becomes available again. The RBR future review periodicity and value changes remain unaffected and are regulated as described above.

In case the primary reference rate recovers or becomes available on the successive review date, then the RBR setup is shifted to the primary reference rate despite the availability of the secondary reference rate. The RBR equals to the primary reference rate value. The RBR future review periodicity and value changes remain unaffected and are regulated as described above.

RBR notification and usage rules

In case of RBR change/adjustment the Bank is obliged to inform customers at least one month prior the new RBR effective date by sending individual notifications. The RBR changed as a result of February or August review cannot become effective later than correspondingly May 15 and November 15 of the same year. If no change has occurred as a result of the review, then the respective information is published on the Bank’s website. 

See primary and secondary reference rate section of each currency 

AMD Retail Base Rate (RBR)

Currency RBR
AMD 9%
Currency AMD
RBR 9%

AMD retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024

Effective from: 12.03.2020

RBR explanatory note

As of 26.08.2024, according to Central Bank of Armenia (CBA) publication, the weighted average of AMD retail deposit rates of the Republic of Armenia (RA) banking sector- with maturity of 181 days to 1 year for June and July 2024 is 9.1%. Thus, the primary reference rate, calculated as the simple average of the latest available 2-month data as of 26.08.2024 is equal to 9.1%.

Taking into consideration that, as of the review date, the difference between the effective RBR (9.0%) and the calculated reference rate does not exceed 0.5 percentage points, the value of the RBR as a result of the review stays unchanged for the next period and is set at 9.0%.

Primary reference rate

AMD RBR primary reference rate is the weighted average of AMD retail deposit rates attracted solely by RA banking sector with maturity of 181 days to 1 year, calculated as simple average of the latest available 2 months’ observations as of the review date, rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 8.23 would be considered as 8.20, 8.48 as 8.50; and 8.65 as 8.70).

The information regarding interest rates is public and always available on the CBA website1. See the publication: 'Volumes and interest rates of deposits attracted from and loans extended to real sector by commercial banks'.

The primary reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the data of latest available 2 months of observations published by the CBA but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data of 6 months and older are considered not available.

Reference rate explanatory note

Primary reference rate. As per RBR review date on 26.08.2024 the latest data available in the CB RA publication “Volumes and interest rates of deposits attracted from and loans extended to real sector by commercial banks” is as of June and July 2024. Taking into consideration that as per the publication, the weighted average of AMD retail deposit rates of RA banking sector - with maturity of 181 days to 1 year for the mentioned 2 months is 9.07% and 9.14% respectively, the primary reference rate, calculated as the simple average of available latest 2-month data as of 26.08.2024 is set at 9.1%.

Secondary reference rate

The secondary reference rate is being used for AMD RBR calculation only when the primary reference rate is not available and it becomes impossible to define the primary reference rate for the upcoming period. Thereafter the RBR is being based on the secondary reference rate. In case the primary reference rate recovers or becomes available on the successive review date then the RBR setup is shifted to the primary reference rate despite the availability of the secondary reference rate.

AMD RBR secondary reference rate is the weighted average of AMD retail and corporate (excluding interbank deposits) deposit rates of Armenian banking sector, being the simple average of up to 1 year and 1 year plus buckets and calculated as simple average of the latest available 2 months’ observations as of the review date. The reference rate is rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 8.23 would be considered as 8.20, 8.48 as 8.50; and 8.65 as 8.70).

The information regarding interest rates is public and always available on the CBA website1. See the publication: 'Interest rate of deposits attracted by commercial banks (monthly)'.

The reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the data of latest available 2 months of observations published by the CBA but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data of 6 months and older are considered not available.

Reference rate explanatory note

Secondary reference rate (published for informational purposes only). As per the RBR review on 26.08.2024 the latest data available in the CBA publication on "Interest rates of deposits attracted by commercial banks (monthly)" is as of June and July 2024. Taking into consideration that, as of the review date, the simple average of AMD retail and corporate deposit rates of the RA banking sector with up to 1 year and 1 year plus buckets is 8.88% ((8.25% + 9.50%)/2) for June 2024 and 8.95% ((8.33% + 9.57%)/2) for July 2024, the secondary reference rate, calculated as the simple average of data available for the latest 2 months and rounded to one decimal place as of 26.08.2024 is set at 8.9%.

Unavailability of reference rates

The reference rates are considered not available under the circumstances listed below:

  • The latest date of available observations exceeds the acceptable period setup by the Bank
  • The publication of interest rate data on subject currency is discontinued
  • In other cases, stipulated by the RA legislation

If primary and secondary reference rates become unavailable RBR will be defined on the basis of another similar reference rate proposed by the Bank exclusively based on CBA standards or legislation requirements.

USD Retail Base Rate (RBR)

Currency RBR
USD 3.2%
Currency USD
RBR 3.2%

USD retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024

Effective from: 22.04.2024

RBR explanatory note

As of 26.08.2024, according to CBA publication, the weighted average of USD retail deposit rates of RA banking sector with maturity of 181 days to 1 year for June and July 2024 is 3.1%, thus, the primary reference rate calculated as the simple average of available latest 2-month data is equal to 3.1%.

Taking into consideration that as of the review date, the difference between the effective RBR (3.2%) and the calculated reference rate does not exceed 0.5 percentage points, the value of the RBR as a result of the review stays unchanged for the next period and is set at 3.2%.

Primary reference rate

USD RBR primary reference rate is the weighted average of USD retail deposit rates attracted solely by RA banking sector with maturity of 181 days to 1 year, calculated as simple average of the latest available 2 months’ observations as of the review date, rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 3.23 would be considered as 3.20, 3.48 as 3.50; and 3.65 as 3.70).

The information regarding interest rates is public and always available on the CBA website1. See the publication: 'Volumes and interest rates of deposits attracted from and loans extended to real sector by commercial banks'.

The primary reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the data of latest available 2 months of observations published by the CBA but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data of 6 months and older are considered not available.

Reference rate explanatory note

Primary reference rate. As per RBR review on 26.08.2024 the latest data available in CB RA publication "Volumes and interest rates of deposits attracted from and loans extended to real sector by commercial banks" is as of June and July 2024. Taking into consideration that as per CBA publication, as of the review date the weighted average of USD retail deposit rates of RA banking sector with maturity of 181 days to 1 year is 3.09% for June and 3.15% for July 2024, the primary reference rate calculated as the simple average of available latest 2-month data and rounded to one decimal place as of 26.08.2024 is set at 3.1%.

Secondary reference rate

The secondary reference rate is being used for USD RBR calculation only when the primary reference rate is not available and it becomes impossible to define the primary reference rate for the upcoming period. Thereafter the RBR is being based on the secondary reference rate. In case the primary reference rate recovers or becomes available on the successive review date then the RBR setup is shifted to the primary reference rate despite the availability of the secondary reference rate.

USD RBR secondary reference rate is the weighted average of USD retail and corporate (excluding interbank deposits) deposit rates of Armenian banking sector, being the simple average of up to 1 year and 1 year plus buckets and calculated as simple average of the latest available 2 months’ observations as of the review date. The reference rate is rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 3.23 would be considered as 3.20, 3.48 as 3.50; and 3.65 as 3.70).

The information regarding interest rates is public and always available on the CBA website1. See the publication: 'Interest rate of deposits attracted by commercial banks (monthly)'.

The reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the data of latest available 2 months of observations published by the CBA but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data of 6 months and older are considered not available. 

Reference rate explanatory note

Secondary reference rate (published for informational purposes only). As per RBR review on 26.08.2024, the latest data available in CBA publication "Interest rates of deposits attracted by commercial banks (monthly)" is as of June and July 2024. Taking into consideration that as of the review date, the simple average of USD retail and corporate deposit rates of RA banking sector with up to 1 year and 1 year plus buckets is 3.19% ((2.47% + 3.91%)/2) for June 2024 and 3.29% ((2.65%+ 3.93%)/2) for July 2024, the secondary reference rate, calculated as the simple average of data available for the latest 2 months and rounded to one decimal place is set at 3.2%.

Unavailability of reference rates

The reference rates are considered not available under the circumstances listed below:

  • The latest date of available observations exceeds the acceptable period setup by the Bank
  • The publication of interest rate data on subject currency is discontinued
  • In other cases, stipulated by the RA legislation

If primary and secondary reference rates become unavailable RBR will be defined on the basis of another similar reference rate proposed by the Bank exclusively based on CBA standards or legislation requirements. 

EUR Retail Base Rate (RBR)

Currency RBR
EUR 6.9%
Currency EUR
RBR 6.9%

EUR retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024

Effective from: 22.04.2024

RBR explanatory note

As of 26.08.2024 according to European Central Bank publication, the simple average of €STR index for the available last six months' data in the period of 23.02.2024 to 22.08.2024 rounded to one decimal place is 3.8%. Thus, the primary reference rate, calculated as the sum of the latter and 3% fixed margin, is set at 6.8%.

Taking into consideration, that as of the review date the difference between the effective RBR (6.9%) and calculated reference rate does not exceed 0.5 percentage points, the value of the RBR as a result of the review stays unchanged for the next period and is set at 6.9%.

Primary reference rate

EUR RBR primary reference rate is the sum of average €STR index (Eurozone short term rate) over the last 6 month as of the review date and 3% fixed margin, rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 0.23 would be considered as 0.20, 0.48 as 0.50; and 0.65 as 0.70). 

The information regarding interest rates is public and always available on the European Central Bank €STR

The primary reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the latest available 6 months’ data published by the European Central Bank, but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data older than 6 months are considered not available.

Reference rate explanatory note

Primary reference rate. As per RBR review on 26.08.2024, the latest available data for €STR index in European Central Bank publications is as of 22.08.2024, hence, the index calculated as the simple average of data in the period of 23.02.2024 to 22.08.2024 is equal to 3.81%, rounded to one decimal place. The primary reference rate, being equal to the calculated €STR index plus a 3% fixed margin, as of 26.08.2024 is set at 6.8%.

Secondary reference rate

The secondary reference rate is being used for EUR RBR calculation only when the primary reference rate is not available and it becomes impossible to define the primary reference rate for the upcoming period. Thereafter the RBR is being based on the secondary reference rate. In case the primary reference rate recovers or becomes available on the successive review date then the RBR setup is shifted to the primary reference rate despite the availability of the secondary reference rate.

EUR RBR secondary reference rate is the sum of average of EUR overnight transactions published by the European Central Bank (Key ECB rate)2 over last the 6 months as of review date and 3% fixed margin, rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 0.23 would be considered as 0.20, 0.48 as 0.50; and 0.65 as 0.70).

The information regarding indexes is public and always available on the European Central Bank Key ECB interest rates (

The reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the latest available 6 months’ data published by the European Central Bank, but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data older than 6 months are considered not available.

Reference rate explanatory note

Secondary reference rate (is published for information purpose only). As per RBR review date the latest data available in European Central Bank publications for Key ECB rate is as of 26.08.2024, hence as of 26.08.2024 the index defined as the simple average of the data in the period of 27.02.2024 to 26.08.2024 is equal to 3.90%. Therefore, the secondary reference rate, being equal to the sum of the calculated Key ECB index, rounded to one decimal place and 3% fixed margin, as of 26.08.2024 is set at 6.9%.

Unavailability of reference rates

The reference rates are considered not available under the circumstances listed below:

  • The latest date of available observations exceeds the acceptable period setup by the Bank
  • The publication of interest rate data on subject currency is discontinued
  • In other cases, stipulated by the RA legislation

If primary and secondary reference rates become unavailable RBR will be defined on the basis of another similar reference rate proposed by the Bank exclusively based on CBA standards or legislation requirements. 

GBP Retail Base Rate (RBR)

Currency RBR
GBP 8.2%
Currency GBP
RBR 8.2%

GBP retail base rate review date: 26.08.2024

Effective from: 22.04.2024

RBR explanatory note

As of 26.08.2024 according to publications from the Bank of England, the average SONIA index (GBP overnight index average) over the last 6 months' available data in the period of 23.02.2024 to 21.08.2024 rounded to one decimal place is 5.2%, hence, the primary reference rate, calculated as the sum of SONIA and 3% fixed margin, is set at 8.2%.

Taking into consideration, that as of the review date the difference between the effective RBR (8.2%) and the calculated reference rate does not exceed 0.5 percentage points, the value of the RBR as a result of the review stays unchanged for the next period and is set at 8.2%.

Primary reference rate

GBP RBR primary reference rate is the sum of average SONIA index (GBP overnight index average) over the last 6 months as of the review date and 3% fixed margin, rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 0.23 would be considered as 0.20, 0.48 as 0.50; and 0.65 as 0.70).

The information regarding interest rates is public and always available on the Bank of England SONIA
1 .

The reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the latest available 6 months’ data published by the Bank of England, but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data older than 6 months are considered not available.

Reference rate explanatory note

Primary reference rate. As per RBR review on 26.08.2024, the latest available data for SONIA index in Bank of England publications is as of 21.08.2024. Hence, as of 26.08.2024 the index calculated as the simple average of data for the period of 23.02.2024 to 21.08.2024 is equal to 5.17%. The primary reference rate, being equal to the calculated SONIA index, rounded to one decimal place, plus 3% fixed margin, is set at 8.2%.

Secondary reference rate

The secondary reference rate is being used for GBP RBR calculation only when the primary reference rate is not available and it becomes impossible to define the primary reference rate for the upcoming period. Thereafter the RBR is being based on the secondary reference rate. In case the primary reference rate recovers or becomes available on the successive review date then the RBR setup is shifted to the primary reference rate despite the availability of the secondary reference rate.

GBP RBR secondary reference rate is the sum of average Bank of England base rate over the last 6 months as of review date and 3% fixed margin, rounded to one decimal place (e.g. 0.23 would be considered as 0.20, 0.48 as 0.50; and 0.65 as 0.70).

The information regarding base rates is public and always available on the Bank of England Base rate

The reference rate is subject to semi-annual review by the Bank on February 25 and August 25 (or on proceeding business day) based on the latest available 6 months’ data published by the Bank of England, but not later than of 6 month old observations (acceptable period). Publications containing data older than 6 months are considered not available.

Reference rate explanatory note

Secondary reference rate (is published for information purpose only). Within the RBR observation period from 26.02.2024 to 25.08.2024, the average of Bank of England base rate calculated as the simple average of latest available six months’ daily observation data, was equal to 5.22%. Hence, the secondary reference rate, calculated as the sum of the latter and 3% fixed margin, rounded to one decimal place, as of 26.08.2024 is set at 8.2%.

Unavailability reference rates

The reference rates are considered not available under the circumstances listed below:

  • The latest date of available observations exceeds the acceptable period setup by the Bank
  • The publication of interest rate data on subject currency is discontinued
  • In other cases, stipulated by the RA legislation

If primary and secondary reference rates become unavailable RBR will be defined on the basis of another similar reference rate proposed by the Bank exclusively based on CBA standards or legislation requirements. 

1 Changes of the mentioned web-link cannot have any impact on the reference rate definition rule.

2 Taking into consideration, that European Central Bank discontinued the publication of EONIA index, since 25.02.2022 the Bank replaces it with the key interest rate of EUR overnight transactions published by European Central Bank.

Last updated on: 23.09.24, 06:04

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